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development programme now

Quality Fundamentals

TQ001 TQ002 TQ003 TQ004 TQ005 Completion of this course enables the student to apply to the CQI for Practitioner membership provided that they can satisfy the Institute that they are a mature student and have acquired 3 years or more practical experience in the Profession.

Certificate in Quality Leadership

CERT001, CERT002, CERT003, CERT004, CERT005. This course differs from the Fundamentals course in as much as the student is required to complete a 4500 word assignment for each Unit. Completion of this course satisfies all the requirements of the CQI Practitioner qualification including the 3 years practical experience required by the CQI provided that they are satisfied that the assignments are the students own work and we can provide that assurance if it is required. The successful student also qualifies for the ILSSI Six Sigma Green Belt Qualification.

Diploma in Quality Leadership

DIP001 DIP002 DIP003 DIP004 DIP005 DIP006 DIP007 DIP008 DIP009 On the successful completion of these 9 Units the student will on completion of Unit 5 have qualified to apply to the CQI for Practitioner level status and be qualified to be awarded the ILSSI Six Sigma Green Belt. On completion of all 9 Units and the Assignments, the student will have satisfied all of the CQI requirements for Chartered Quality Professional status and also the ILSSI Six Sigma Black Belt qualification.

Higher Diploma in Quality Leadership

This qualification goes beyond the requirements for Professional status in the Quality Profession and is intended for those whose personal ambitions may be to aspire to Board Room status and have an equivalent qualification in the Quality field as other Board Members may have in theirs. The title is often 'Chief Quality Officer' and the individual reports directly to the CEO.