Quality Circles In Education

DHI provides education support to the largest school in the world, City Montessori School

Schools Quality Circles took root at the City Montessori School in Lucknow. Following an industrial tour of Japan in 1990 organised by JUSE, Mr Jagdish Gandhi the Principal of the City Montessori School in Lucknow India, the largest independent school in the world, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records with currently over 50000 students!, decided to manage the school using the principles of Total Quality Management Japanese style with its emphasis on Quality Circles. In 1994 five, 10 year old children from the school made a stunning presentation of a project at the international convention for Quality Circles which that year was held in Hong Kong and at which David Hutchins was an invited Keynote speaker. Following their presentation David immediately suggested to the head of the school Dr Vineeta Kamran that they should consider organising an international conference on schools Quality Circles to show the world what they were doing. David’s advice was instantly accepted and a conference was arranged for 1997. It proved extraordinarily successful and has been repeated every two years since. In the intervening years it has been copied in other countries and in 2014 it was held at Kingston University where DHIQC were the main sponsor. The following are a few shots of past conferences in Lucknow and in Nepal. More pictures will be included in due course.