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David Hutchins is currently the sole UK Academician in the International Academy for Quality. IAQ is acknowledged to be the worlds leading authority in the Quality Sciences and Disciplines. Membership is severely limited to those who have a strong and proven record of achievement at the highest level.
In 2012, DHi partnered with ACT Leadership LLC, a Leadership Development and Coaching company in the US, to create an integrated employee and leadership development program culminating in Masters Degree qualification in Quality Leadership.
After the CQI's sudden and unexpected announcement that it was withdrawing from Ofqual approved Qualifications, DHIQC picked up the baton and has now created and is now actively marketing the huge new range of courses which are described here on this site.
The following is an unsolicited comment by one of our students on the Quality Courses.
"Just a note to compliment you on the excellence of the course, both breadth, depth and facilities. I expected the course to push forward the frontiers but I had not anticipated by how much”.
David Hutchins Innovation was founded by and is still under the guidance of David Hutchins who not only worked with all of the unchallenged global leaders but who also represented Dr J.M. Juran from 1983 until he retired from international travel in 1993 and also worked with Professor Kaoru Ishikawa.
Professor Ishikawa’s sole visit to Europe in his lifetime was at David Hutchins’ invitation. David has a Chapter in the book dedicated to Professor Ishikawa’s life.
David was also one of 4 invited international keynote speakers at Dr. Juran’s 100th birthday celebrations and also those of Professor Ishikawa in both Taiwan and Tokyo University in September 2015.
David was acquainted with Dr Deming from 1980 when they met for the first time in Tokyo before Deming became known in the West.
David met and dined with Dr Feigenbaum on many occasions at international conventions.
David also has a chapter in Dr. Juran’s book ‘A History of Managing for Quality‘,
Created all of the syllabuses and structure for all of the 2010 CQI OFQUAL approved courses including the CQI Diploma in Quality Management and the Level 3 Certificate in Quality Management
David designed the Kingston University Level 7 course Quality Leadership by Work Place Learning.
As illustrated on the home page of this site, David’s book ‘Hoshin Kanri‘ was used as the base for Gatwick Airport’s huge investment in business performance improvement.
All of our courses are competitively priced and with the exclusive 40+ video content in our portals is of unchallengeable value.
Welcome to unit DIP 012 Management Systems Auditing (Diploma in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully. All 3 units in the Higher Diploma course, as in the Diploma courses, are all tutor supported and are externally examined. All units are tested by the submission of a 4,500 word assignment but also include live presentations to
Welcome to unit HDIP011 Facilitating, Coaching and Mentoring for Quality (Diploma in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully. The 3 units in the Higher Diploma course as in the Diploma courses are all tutor supported and are externally examined. All units are tested by the submission of a 4,500 word assignment but also include live
Welcome to unit HDIP 010 Hoshin Kanri (Higher Diploma in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully. The 3 units in the Higher Diploma course as in the Diploma courses are all tutor supported and are externally examined. All units are tested by the submission of a 4,500 word assignment but also include live presentations to
Welcome to unit TQ005 Business Management Systems (Quality Fundamentals). Please read this carefully. This Unit is intended to give the student an overview of how ‘Quality’ can be managed in an organisation and how it can allow everyone from the |Chief Executive at the top through to all levels of employee. This is the last
Welcome to unit TQ004 Business Performance Improvement (Quality Fundamentals). Please read this carefully. This Unit is intended to give the student an overview of how problems in our work can be identified, analysed and solved, usually by the simplest of methods. The tools used can be used by individuals such as yourself, groups who share
Welcome to unit TQ003 Monitoring and measuring for Quality (Quality Fundamentals). Please read this carefully. This Unit is intended to convince the student that if you cannot measure something you cannot manage it effectively. It will encourage you to take a look at the way measurements are carried out in your work environment and what
Welcome to unit TQ002 The People Factor (Quality Fundamentals). Please read this carefully. This Unit is intended to show the student how ‘Quality’ is really everybody’s business in an organisation and the various ways in which that can be managed. You might compare the content here with your perception of how quality is managed in
Welcome to unit TQ001 Introduction to Quality (Quality Fundamentals). Please read this carefully. This Unit is intended to give the student an overview of the spectrum of the Quality Sciences and Disciplines. In many Western societies there is a prevailing view that ‘Quality’ is mainly concerned with identifying defects and their causes. You will see
Welcome to unit DIP 009 Quality for Productivity (Diploma in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully. The 9 units in the Diploma course are all tutor supported and are externally examined. All units are tested by the submission of a 4,500 word assignment. After reading this note, before doing anything else, please go to the
Welcome to unit DIP 008 Product Lifecycle (Diploma in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully. The 9 units in the Diploma course are all tutor supported and are externally examined. All units are tested by the submission of a 4,500 word assignment. After reading this note, before doing anything else, please go to the tab
Welcome to unit DIP 007 Quality related Legislation and regulation (Diploma in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully. The 9 units in the Diploma course are all tutor supported and are externally examined. All units are tested by the submission of a 4,500 word assignment. After reading this note, before doing anything else, please go
Welcome to unit DIP 006 Quality related Legislation and regulation (Diploma in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully. The 9 units in the Diploma course are all tutor supported and are externally examined. All units are tested by the submission of a 4,500 word assignment. After reading this note, before doing anything else, please go
Welcome to unit DIP 005 Quality based Management Systems (Diploma/Certificate in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully. The 9 units in the Diploma course and the five of the Certificate course are all tutor supported and are externally examined. All units are tested by the submission of a 4,500 word assignment. After reading this note,
Welcome to unit DIP 004 Business Performance Improvement (Diploma/Certificate in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully. The 9 units in the Diploma course and the five of the Certificate course are all tutor supported and are externally examined. All units are tested by the submission of a 4,500 word assignment. After reading this note, before
Welcome to unit DIP 003 Monitoring and Measuring for Quality (Diploma/Certificate in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully. The 9 units in the Diploma course and the five of the Certificate course are all tutor supported and are externally examined. All units are tested by the submission of a 4,500 word assignment. After reading this
Welcome to unit DIP 002 Quality -The People factor (Diploma/Certificate in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully. The 9 units in the Diploma course and the five of the Certificate course are all tutor supported and are externally examined. All units are tested by the submission of a 4,500 word assignment. After reading this note,
Welcome to unit DIP 001 Introduction to Quality (Diploma/Certificate in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully. The 9 units in the Diploma course and the five of the Certificate course are all tutor supported and are externally examined. All units are tested by the submission of a 4,500 word assignment. After reading this note, before