


HDIP 012 Management Systems Auditing

Welcome to unit DIP 012 Management Systems Auditing (Diploma in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully. All 3 units in the Higher Diploma course, as in the Diploma courses, are all tutor supported and are externally examined. All units are tested by the submission of a 4,500 word assignment but also include live presentations to


HDIP 011 Facilitating, Coaching and Mentoring for Quality

Welcome to unit HDIP011 Facilitating, Coaching and Mentoring for Quality (Diploma in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully. The 3 units in the Higher Diploma course as in the Diploma courses are all tutor supported and are externally examined. All units are tested by the submission of a 4,500 word assignment but also include live


HDIP 010 Hoshin Kanri

Welcome to unit HDIP 010 Hoshin Kanri (Higher Diploma in Quality Leadership). Please read this carefully. The 3 units in the Higher Diploma course as in the Diploma courses are all tutor supported and are externally examined. All units are tested by the submission of a 4,500 word assignment but also include live presentations to


Quality Fundamentals Course (5 unit course)

A gateway to the Diploma in Quality Leadership, the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) registered Quality Fundamentals course mapped against NOS (National Occupational Standards) principles, forms the base to the Diploma qualification and Workplace Learning is encouraged. Our course includes The Introduction to Quality, Quality the People Factor, The Role of Monitoring and Measuring for Making Decisions, Business Performance Improvement and Principles of Quality Management Systems.


Diploma in Quality Leadership (9 unit course)

The DHI Research based Diploma in Quality Leadership incorporates the courses in Quality Fundamentals but with a significant difference. Whereas in the case of the Quality Fundamentals course, the student moves from section to section and from unit to unit by correctly answering some on line multi choice questions. In addition to this, the student has access


TQ 005 Principles of Quality Management Systems

Welcome to unit TQ005 Business Management Systems (Quality Fundamentals). Please read this carefully. This Unit is intended to give the student an overview of how ‘Quality’ can be managed in an organisation and how it can allow everyone from the |Chief Executive at the top through to all levels of employee. This is the last


TQ 004 Business Performance Improvement

Welcome to unit TQ004 Business Performance Improvement (Quality Fundamentals). Please read this carefully. This Unit is intended to give the student an overview of how problems in our work can be identified, analysed and solved, usually by the simplest of methods. The tools used can be used by individuals such as yourself, groups who share


TQ 003 The Role of Monitoring and Measuring for Making Decisions

Welcome to unit TQ003 Monitoring and measuring for Quality (Quality Fundamentals). Please read this carefully. This Unit is intended to convince the student that if you cannot measure something you cannot manage it effectively. It will encourage you to take a look at the way measurements are carried out in your work environment and what


TQ 002 Quality the People Factor

Welcome to unit TQ002 The People Factor (Quality Fundamentals). Please read this carefully. This Unit is intended to show the student how ‘Quality’ is really everybody’s business in an organisation and the various ways in which that can be managed. You might compare the content here with your perception of how quality is managed in


TQ 001 An Introduction to Quality

Welcome to unit TQ001 Introduction to Quality (Quality Fundamentals). Please read this carefully. This Unit is intended to give the student an overview of the spectrum of the Quality Sciences and Disciplines. In many Western societies there is a prevailing view that ‘Quality’ is mainly concerned with identifying defects and their causes. You will see

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