Archives: Tutor Course Bundle

Certificate in Quality Leadership (5 unit course)

Diploma in Quality Leadership (9 unit course)

The DHI Research based Diploma in Quality Leadership incorporates the courses in Quality Fundamentals but with a significant difference. Whereas in the case of the Quality Fundamentals course, the student moves from section to section and from unit to unit by correctly answering some on line multi choice questions. In addition to this, the student has access

Quality Fundamentals Course (5 unit course)

A gateway to the Diploma in Quality Leadership, the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) registered Quality Fundamentals course mapped against NOS (National Occupational Standards) principles, forms the base to the Diploma qualification and Workplace Learning is encouraged. Our course includes The Introduction to Quality, Quality the People Factor, The Role of Monitoring and Measuring for Making Decisions, Business Performance Improvement and Principles of Quality Management Systems.

Higher Diploma in Quality Leadership (3 unit course)