A business Leader or Senior Executive or Manager?

Think about the problems that have stayed in your head when you get home at night. Given the chance probable every business leader would want to resolve these problems and improve the performance of their business if only they knew how. We all would. Quite likely, you have tried consultancy assistance sometimes from small scale specialists in various topics, or possibly, some large scale and expensive programme designed and implemented by one or other of the global giants in the expectation that they knew your business better than you did. Here you are, much lighter in the pocket and still that competitor of yours appears to be giving you a run for your money. We are not going to say that we can run your business better than you can. We might not even know much about it. We can still help you though and possibly by very much more than you think.

We can say that because we have been doing this for more than 40 years now and have never had a failure! Why? Because we do not try to run your business for you.

About Us About Us

So, how might we help you.

  1. Initially David Hutchins would want to ‘walk the floor’ of your operation (some refer to this as a ‘Gemba Walk’!) or a representative part of it, speak to a few selected personnel at different levels in order to determine perceptions and concerns.

  2. Following this, we would submit a proposal outlining how we believe we can help you to achieve your goals.

  3. Our object would be to help you to create an organisation in which everyone from the Chief Executive through to the person who locks the gate at night is working towards making your organisation the best in its business.

  4. Typically this commences with a series of possibly three x 3 days ‘back to the woods’ sessions with the Top Team including a nominated ‘Facilitator’.

  5. During this part of the programme the Top Team members will create the overall plan, set the VISION of where they want the organisation to be, identify the success factors on which the entire programme will be judged and construct the role out programme and establish time horizons for each stage. It will be their programme and not the consultants. Also, it will not be based on any preconceived ‘models’ imported from elsewhere, but it will be a model unique to this organisation.

  6. At all stages, following this initial part of the programme, the nominated Facilitator (or Facilitators as there can be several if required) will participate in the training as it is our intention to train your organisation to run its own programme. We will not be with you all the time but will always be on hand when required either face to face or by Zoom etc.

If you like the ideas, we are sharing please give us a call and we can discuss your needs right away. We can also have a zoom call so that you can check our capabilities and we can bet a better idea of your objectives..