
How to promote Quality Month in your organisation

How to promote ‘Quality Month’ in your organisation Now is the time to think about how you intend to launch and run your Quality Month. Don’t leave it to the last minute. Throughout the month of November we will have a number of activities and resources available to download.  Here are some suggestions to help

Quality Month – Employee in the spotlight award

 Do you know someone in your organisation who has gone above and beyond their role in the organisation? Quality Month – Employee in the Spotlight Award The Employee in the Spotlight Awards is an annual celebration of an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to quality excellence. This person will be a highly respected

How to position yourself for a promotion – Quality Jobs

You’ve been feeling like you’re stuck in a rut career wise and maybe you’ve been awaiting that long overdue promotion.   So how do you move your career forward?   We have some suggestions on how you might start to work on your own personal development and start to take action. Our first suggestion is to write

DMAIC, PDSA, Lean Six Sigma, the Quality Gurus – fake Quality News part 1. etc.

What is in a name! I call this ‘fake quality news’ for good reason! Six Sigma and Lean advocates collectively herald the  acronyms, words and names I have put in this title as if they are the latest thing in Quality. If there was no damage done this would not be a problem but unfortunately