
The Loose Brick – an element of Hoshin Kanri?

 The ‘Loose Brick’ concept is well known in Japan but virtually unheard of in the West. It is a key element in the Risk Management Element in ‘Hoshin Kanri’ (Reference David Hutchins Book) The over all objective of Hoshin Kanri is to create an organisation in which everyone from the top to the bottom is working

What is Hoshin Kanri?

‘Hoshin Kanri’ (Reference David Hutchins Book) is a Japanese term that has no direct translation into English. There three key elements but each element breaks down into multiple sub elements Many ‘would be’ experts attempt to create trite simple models but there is nothing simple about Hoshin Kanri, why? Because it represents a model that

What is Quality?

It cannot be defined in the abstract although many have attempted it. There are multiple ‘official’ definitions that have been published by a variety of both national and international professional bodies and their respective gurus connected with these bodies. Such definitions find favour for a while until they are superseded by yet another ‘definition’ which

David Hutchins presented the Lifetime Outstanding Contribution Award

April 21st 2021, David Hutchins has been presented with the Lifetime Outstanding Contribution Award by the International Lean Six Sigma Institute. Announcing the award last week, the ILSSi said, “ILSSI is honoured to be able to present this award to David Hutchins for over 60 years of service to the advancement of Quality Management. David