Quality Month – Employee in the spotlight award

Quality Month – Employee in the spotlight award

 Do you know someone in your organisation who has gone above and beyond their role in the organisation?

Quality Month – Employee in the Spotlight Award

The Employee in the Spotlight Awards is an annual celebration of an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to quality excellence. This person will be a highly respected professional in the field of quality who has sought ways to continuously improve, innovate and lead people.

Do you know someone in your organisation who has gone above and beyond their role in the organisation? If you do, please nominate them for the Quality Employee in the Spotlight Award.

Deadline for entries: October 19th 2018

David Hutchins

Check out my bio notes in my profile on LinkedIn or a range of specifics by using Google UK and going to David Hutchins Quality. Beware there are other non related David Hutchins's in different fields