David Hutchins presented with the CQI Honorary Award 2019

David Hutchins presented with the CQI Honorary Award 2019

November 2019. DHI are delighted to announce that DHI’s Founder and Principal was awarded with the ‘CQI Honorary Award’ at the International Quality Awards, hosted by the Charted Quality Institute (CQI) at London’s Connaught Rooms.

The International Quality Awards celebrates excellence in the quality sector. Judged via a rigorous evidence-based process, these awards acknowledge the contribution of the quality profession in enhancing the reputation of organisations around the world.

2019 marks a landmark point in the CQI’s history and we are especially proud not just to reward quality and auditing talent but to laud their contribution to the future of quality.

The Award committee said “A seasoned quality professional, David Hutchins has been a member of the CQI for 50 years and won this award for his continuous contribution to the evolution of quality. This award recognises those who have moved the quality profession or the quality discipline forward over a number of years, a description that suits David perfectly”.

David was delighted to win this award at a ceremony which also celebrated 100 years evolution of the Quality profession.

Photos: Courtesy of CQI

David Hutchins

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